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  • Menstruation is a normal physiological process, but most girls across the world do not feel comfortable talking about it. It is in fact considered to be restrictive in all practical terms. The stereotypical mindsets of the society have made this to be a taboo topic . What is even worse is that this normal phase of a girl's life is also made out to be "dirty", "unhygienic", "isolative". This thought process prevents women from getting the menstrual health care they need. 

  • Menstruation brings with it rules, restrictions, isolation and changed expectations from the girls by the society. This changed attitude towards girls has far reaching consequences on their mindset and their understanding of the whole process. 

  • Hence it is extremely important to impart knowledge on the process of menstruation and menstrual hygiene management.

Why We Started: About
Image by Kristina Flour


  1. Talking about Menstruation is taboo! 
    Age-old customs, beliefs, practices prevalent in the society make it uncomfortable for most women to talk about it. 

  2. Lack of Awareness
     Mothers are also reluctant to talk about this topic with their daughters and many of them lack scientific knowledge on puberty and menstruation. Hence most girls are unaware of this concept at Menarche and Menstrual Hygiene Management.

  3. Lack of adequate facilities for menstrual hygiene management
     On a global level, at least 500 million women and girls lack adequate facilities for menstrual hygiene management. This poses a major issue for women,  particularly in public places like schools, workplaces or health centers.

  4.  Poor Menstrual Hygiene
     A big percentage of menstruating girls and women in India use an old cloth, which is often reused, ashes, newspapers, dried leaves and husk sand during periods. Unhygienic period health and disposal practices can have major consequences on the health of women like cervical cancer, reproductive tract infections, and many more.

  5. It's perceived as embarrassing 
     In some families, menstruation is being perceived as an unclean or embarrassing thing, extending even to the mention of menstruation both in public and in private. Most girls are embarrassed to the extent of sitting in a corner and not interacting.

  6. School drop outs
     A large number of girls in many less economically stable families drop out of school when they begin menstruating.

    A 2014 report by the NGO Dasra titled ‘Spot On!’ informed that almost 23 million girls in India drop out of school annually, because of lack of menstrual hygiene management facilities, including availability of sanitary napkins and awareness about menstruation. The report further suggests that the girls, who don’t drop out, usually miss up to 5 days of school every month.

  7. You are an outcast 
     During their menstruation days, women are prohibited from participating in day-to-day activities. They are not allowed to enter the house. A woman must be “purified” before she is allowed to return to her family and they are forbidden from performing any rituals.She is prohibited to enter the kitchen or a temple as people believe that anything she touches will go bad or rot. 

The Issues Had To Be Addressed

Why We Started: About Us
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